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Paste title: Changelog

Paste made by: [Admin] pine

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Hits: 111

Paste created: May 27, 2024 - 05:56 PM

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FlameBin changelog

Dates are in YYYY-MM-DD

#### Planned Features ####
- Report pastes and comments.

--- 2024-06-30 ---
- Profile pictures now get resized upon upload
- viewpaste.php styling should now be fixed
- now when the sidebar is collapsed the paste text should take up the full screen space

--- 2024-06-29 ---
- Implement custom captcha for antibot

--- 2024-06-27 ---
- Fixed paste line-height, kinda
- Added basic anti-bot to the hidden service

--- 2024-06-25 ---
- Removed BBCode url tag whitelist.
- Previously if you left the paste title empty it would fail to generate a slug, this has now been fixed.
- Usernames for Anonymous pastes are no longer underlined to differentiate between pastes made by this user.

--- 2024-06-24 ---
- Add URL slugs for pastes
- <thead> border-bottom color is no longer white
- Banned users pastes are now highlighted correctly when hovered over

--- 2024-06-23 --
- Messages and notifications are now shown in the navigation bar at all times
- Added message read receipts
- Safelink tweaks
- New clearnet domain:
- Display username instead of IDs in the URL of user profiles

--- 2024-06-22 ---
- E2EE private messages (conversations)

--- 2024-06-18 ---
- Revert ASCII logo line-height

--- 2024-06-17 ---
- Format paste creation date on profile.php
- Dark mode hCaptcha
- Table background-color changes
- post.php errors & content persist
- Add BBcode
- Safelink

--- 2024-06-09 ---
- Added 2FA

--- 2024-06-08 ---
- Fix paste contents being hidden by the sidebar
- Paste view should now be mobile responsive
- Fix paste textarea cutting off

--- 2024-06-07 ---
- clearnet:

--- 2024-06-02 ---
- Increased session lifetime
- Adjusted profile comment character limit (35 -> 150)
- Disabled textarea horizontal resizing for profile comments

--- 2024-06-01 ---
- Released under flame4yms6xkvdfak2fjpsr2zk76xscopol6zslzwxpy7ey7gbmmzmyd.onion

--- 2024-05-27 ---
- Bug fixes & tidying up

--- 2024-05-26 ---
- Removed Devious rank, added Kitty rank.
- Added options to pay with XMR, TON or LTC.
- Payment system fixes.
- Added favicon.
- Added statistics page.
- Fixed alignment issues on register and login pages.
- Added announcement managing/creation system.
- Added invoice.php.
- Added icons to the navigation bar.
- Moved profile related stuff to a new drop-down in the navigation bar.

--- 2024-05-19 ---
- Added password reset system.

--- 2023-01-18 ---
- Added an automated upgrade system. Major thanks to @Armor on BF for helping me out.

--- 2023-01-16 ---
- Comment system changes.
- All comments on a dox will now get deleted if the dox gets removed.

--- 2023-01-14 ---
- Changed the error page.

--- 2023-01-13 ---

- Table rows now get highlighted upon hover. (yay)
- Added Moderator Control Panel.

--- 2023-01-12 ---
- Fixed text alignment on mobile devices on the profile page.
- Admin-specific stuff.

--- 2023-01-10 ---
- Changed some CSS.
- Removed obnoxious "FlameBin" title on profile pages. 
- You can now delete your own comments. (Devious users only)
- Fixed a bug with profile pictures. (lol)

--- 2023-01-09 ---
- Profile pictures are now uploaded to Imgur.

--- 2023-01-08 ---
- Extended session lifetime to 24 hours.
- Made it so you can now search for users.

--- 2023-01-06 ---
- Changed how "view raw" works.
- Unupgraded users can now edit their pastes.

--- 2023-01-03 ---
- Changed position of the show/hide sidebar button. 

--- 2023-01-02 ---
- Removed ugly white border around panels.
- Added a separate table to list "Devious" users.
- The users page now shows how many users there are. "Showing 100 (of XX total) recently joined users."
- Fixed hidden service.

--- 2023-01-01 ---
- Improved security significantly. - Mishka
- Added paste minimum character limit.
- Migrated FlameBin to a new server which is much faster.

--- 2022-12-31 ---
- Fixed a possible vulnerability (thanks to

--- 2022-12-30 ---
- Added bios and profile pictures!
- Added email and username character limits.
- You can now hide the side bar.
- Horizontal scrollbars are now hidden.

--- 2022-12-29 ---
- Added moderators.
- Made the paste information bold.
- Removed snow.
- Added the Onion-Location header.
- Disabled anonymous posting, anonymous commenting and registration due to people posting links to CSAM. (re-enabled a few hours after)

--- 2022-12-28 ---
- We now have a hidden service: http://flame5r2arsockf26j37uh4o5zcgyy7pttmusfyb4xazcam6gowpc4id.onion/
- Fixed a bug where after posting a comment and refreshing it would prompt you to resubmit the POST request.
- Changelog now goes newest-oldest.
- Made the comments look neater.

--- 2022-12-26 ---
- Added a custom rank called "Astaroth", reason being is because the user held me at gun point.
- Added hCaptcha to the registration and paste creation form due to someone spamming the users table.
- Added some more error handlers.
- You can now comment on pastes.
- "Paste made by .." is now clickable. (thanks to Sayaka for suggesting this)

--- 2022-12-24 ---
- FlameBin launched under >_<
- All pastes now have a .txt extension due to browsers prompting to download the paste instead of displaying it.

--- 2022-12-18 ---
- Development started