______ _                      ____  _       
   |  ____| |                    |  _ \(_)      
   | |__  | | __ _ _ __ ___   ___| |_) |_ _ __  
   |  __| | |/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \  _ <| | '_ \ 
   | |    | | (_| | | | | | |  __/ |_) | | | | |
   |_|    |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___|____/|_|_| |_|

How do I use BBCode to format my pastes?

[b] Bold text [/b]
[i] Italic text [/i]
[s] Struck through text [/s]
[u] Underlined text [/u]
[code] UwU [/code]
[quote] Quoted text [/quote]
[youtube] Video ID [/youtube]
[size=2] Text [/size]
[font=Arial] Text [/font]
[color=orange] Colored text [/color]
[left/center/right] Aligned text [/left/center/right]

Accepted values for the [size] tag are 1 to 4.

Is this site inspired by Doxbin and/or Skidbin?

Yes, it is.

Has any code been used from Doxbin in FlameBin?

No, though this site does use some Doxbin CSS.

How do I delete/private my pastes?

Buy an upgrade here.

What is FlameBin?

FlameBin is a website for sharing text. You're free to share anything as long as it doesn't violate our ToS.

What information do you collect?

We collect your IP address, user agent and referrer URL in our access logs which are cleared every 3 hours.

How do I get my paste pinned?

You can buy a sticky here.

I want to have something added/changed, where can I contact you?

We're open to feature requests, please contact us here.